November 26: Advent Wreath Making [SIGNUP]

Family Advent Wreath Making Activity

Looking for a fun activity for your family to do during Advent? Come to the Nativity Parish Hall on Sunday, November 26 and make your own Advent Wreath!

The cost is $40 per family and includes a wreath making kit, fresh greens and candles. Fr. Chris will talk about the significance of the Advent wreath and refreshments will be provided.

The 10:30am session is sold out but there are still spots available at the 12:30pm session.

Click here to sign up today!


December 2: Creche & Tree Lighting

Join us outside Saturday, December 2nd at 5:30pm (immediately following the 4:30pm Mass).

Fr. Chris will give a special blessing to the creche located on the corner of Hance Road and Ridge Road. We’ll then walk around to the other side of the rectory to light the Christmas tree and sing some carols.

Cookies and hot chocolate will be served!

December 3: Breakfast with St. Nicholas [SIGNUP]

Please join us for a long-standing Nativity tradition:

Breakfast with Saint Nicholas

Sunday, December 3, 2023
Parish Hall

Come and enjoy breakfast, a craft, visits with St. Nicholas, and an impromptu Nativity Play starring YOUR CHILDREN!

Tickets are $5 per person. Children under 3 no charge.

Click here to purchase tickets.

Co-sponsored by the Nativity Women’s Group and the Knights of Columbus. All proceeds will go to “Coats for Kids.”


Christmas Gift Collection for Seniors

The Basic Needs Committee is collecting gift items for seniors who live in local nursing facilities. Please consider purchasing a gift for a senior citizen!

Bring your unwrapped gift* and place it under one of our Advent trees on the altar in the Church between November 30 and December 21.

*As a service project, Nativity teens will wrap the gifts after 4:30 Mass on Saturday, December 21 and deliver them to nursing facilities prior to December 25.

December 18: Knights of Columbus Open House

Knight of Columbus Council #3187 is hosting an Open House on Monday, December 18 from 7:30pm-10:00pm in celebration of their 75th Anniversary.

The Open House will be at the Columbus Club, 200 Fair Haven Road, Fair Haven. All are welcome. We just ask that you phone or text Joe Loftus (908) 419-7999 or John Hayes (551) 206-5706 if you plan to attend.

Light fare and beverages will be served. The 50-50 winner drawing will occur at 9:00pm. Winner need not be present.

December 21: Advent Parish Confessions

An Advent Reconciliation service will be offered in the Church on Thursday, December 21 from 7pm-8:30pm.

Reconciliation Resources

If you are interested in learning more about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we recommend you watch one of more of the following videos offered by FORMED, a free content service available to our parishioners.

To access, click on any of the links below. You may be prompted to sign in or register to use FORMED.

  • Where Are You? examines our experience of guilt and how God seeks us out and calls us back to himself after we have sinned.
  • An Encounter with Mercy focuses on the incredible mercy that God offers us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • The Rite Explained looks at the sacrament from the perspective of the priest and walks through each step of the rite as well as how to make an examination of conscience in preparation for Confession.
  • Biblical Foundations: Sin, Mercy, and the Sacrament of Confession explores God’s revelation of his merciful love in Scripture and how this pattern of our loving Father forgiving the sins of his children provides the foundation for the sacrament.
  • Answering Common Questions about Confession addresses some of the most frequently asked questions about the sacrament, including why we need to confess our sins to a priest, what actually happens during Confession, and how speaking about our sins and receiving reconciliation heals us.
  • For Children: How to Make a Good Confession is an engaging and encouraging walk through the sacrament. This bonus video shows children what they will see, hear, and do when making their First Confession. It covers the examination of conscience, what the confessional looks like, each step of the Rite of Penance, and what is penance.

September 10: Parish Picnic

Join us Sunday, September 10, 2023 from 12:30pm-3:00pm for a Nativity Parish Picnic!

Pony Rides *  Inflatable Slide * Crafts * Games * Live Music

Pulled Pork * Barbecued Ribs * Meatball Sandwiches * Mac ‘n’ Cheese * Salads * Desserts

The event is free. Guests are welcome! Kindly sign up below to give us a headcount for food.

Nativity Families Helping Families in Need
When you come to the picnic, please bring a bag of non-perishable items for our food pantry.

Sign up for the Parish Picnic!