Welcome to the Church of the Nativity
Please join us for Mass! If you cannot come to church for whatever reason, we invite you to view our livestream services.
USCCB Daily Readings | Thoughts from the Pastor |
Parish News & Events |
Nativity Boys’ Basketball Team (5-0) Next game: Nativity vs. St. Elizabeth. Sunday, February 9 at 2pm. Avon Municipal Gym, 301 Main Street, Avon-By-The-Sea. Click here for full schedule. |
Blood Drive A blood drive will be held on Tuesday, February 11 from 12:30pm-6:30pm in the Parish Hall. Appointments recommended. Walk-ins are welcome. To make an appointment, visit www.nybc.org/drive and user sponsor code 70277. Click here for more information. |
Adult Faith Formation: The Life of Christ Come to the Wednesday Morning Renew Group to study the life of Christ. This group will meet 9am in Parish Library on the following dates: February 12, 19, 26, March 5, 12, 19, and April 9, 16, 23. Filmed on location in the Holy Land, JESUS: THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE is a new and fresh look at Jesus—who He is, what He is really like, what He taught, and what He did for our salvation. This encounter with Christ will inspire and empower you to center your entire life around Him as you come to know and love him in an ever deeper and more intimate way. Feel free to join us! Contact: Tammy.nwg@gmail.com. |
Mahjong! Join us for Mahjong in the Parish Hall. Click here for dates and to sign up. |
Holy Hour Come spend time in the presence of Jesus. Thursday, February 13 at 7pm in the Church. Please feel free to stop by for a quick prayer or stay for the hour. Bring rosary beads. |
Parish Progressive Dinner Registration is now open for Nativity’s Annual Progressive Dinner which will take place on Saturday, February 22. Join us for an evening of parish fellowship as we enjoy appetizers in one home, dinner in another and dessert at the Columbus Club. $26 registration fee covers the cost of dinner. Participants can assist by hosting or providing apps, dessert or wine. Click here to register! |
Fat Tuesday Event Registration is now open for Nativity’s Annual Fat Tuesday Event which will begin at 5:30pm on March 4 in the Parish Hall. Co-sponsored by the Knights of Columbus and the Nativity Women’s Group, the evening includes a pasta dinner, family bingo and silent bid baskets. $10 per person; $5 for kids under 10 years. Click here to purchase tickets! |
Pilgrimage to St. Frances Cabrini Shrine On Wednesday, March 12, join the Nativity Women’s Group on a pilgrimage to the St. Frances Cabrini Shrine, 701 Fort Washington Avenue, New York, NY (about 75 minutes from Nativity). We will leave our parking lot at 9am. The day will be spent at the retreat center with a 4pm return time. Museum visit, Mass with Adoration, lunch onsite (bring bag lunch or order in). Suggested donation $8 per person. Bus transportation: $50. RSVP necessary: VBS@NativityChurchNJ.org. |
Cabrini Movie Showing In preparation for the Nativity Women’s Group pilgrimage to the St. Frances Cabrini Shrine, there will be a showing of the Cabrini movie on Saturday, March 8 at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall, immediately following 4:30 Mass. Feel free to bring a snack or meal. Bottled water will be provided. |
Vacation Bible School Registration is now open for Nativity’s Vacation Bible School which takes place Monday, July 7 – Friday, July 11. Click here to register! |
Parish Volunteer Opportunities |
Other Ways to Give |
Related News & Events |
Monmouth Civic Chorus Performs Mendelssohn’s Elijah Oratorio by Felix Mendelssohn depicting events in the life of the Prophet Elijah as told in the books 1 Kings and 2 Kings of the Old Testament. Sunday, March 2 at 4pm The Parish of St. Mary 1 Phalanx Road Colts Neck, NJ Get tickets here |
Lunch Break’s Annual Formal Attire Drive Lunch Break is accepting donations of prom attire for boys or girls, now until March 21. Items may be dropped off to Lunch Break, 121 Drs. James Parker Blvd., Red Bank. Mon-Fri. 10am-2pm, Sat. 9am-12pm. Click here for details. |
Hope in Our Hearts: Faith Formation & Parish Ministry Conference If you serve on or would like to join a parish ministry, this is for you! Sunday, March 29, 8am-3pm St. John Vianney High School 504-A Line Road Holmdel, NJ Click here to register |