Sacramental Preparation for 2nd and 8th graders

First Reconciliation/ First Communion Preparation- 2nd graders and Elementary OCIA students


The 2nd grade mass worksheets are now available on the church website home page. These worksheets will be updated each week on Friday night. Before printing, please check the date to make sure that the worksheet has been updated for the current weekend. Your child can print out the worksheet and complete it,  take it to Saturday or Sunday mass, and drop the completed worksheet in the 2nd grade mailbox at the end of mass.  The mailbox will be in the hallway near the side door. In order to get credit for the worksheet,  the worksheet must be completed and your child’s first and last name must be on the worksheet. Second graders can begin submitting weekly quizzes in the mailbox beginning in September. 2nd graders must submit at least 14 completed worksheets between September and April in order to be eligible to receive Communion.  

Please be aware that there are also weekly coloring sheets that can be printed available on the website for children of all ages. These coloring sheets do not need to be returned. You can also sign up for a free FORMED account from the main page. There are many resources available on FORMED  including children’s videos as well as interesting videos and podcasts for adults.

Confirmation Preparation  – 8th graders

Paperwork: *Important* – Please print and complete or complete on your computer and save these documents. All forms must be completed and submitted  before the due dates. Confirmation candidates will also have to obtain a signed log, letter, or certificate of his/her volunteer service hours. Please be aware that your sponsor  will also have to obtain a certificate or letter of eligibility from his/her parish. Sponsors must be practicing Catholics who are at least 16 years old and have received Confirmation. Sponsors cannot be a parent, but they can be a grandparent, sibling, relative, or friend. If your sponsor is a sibling and/or a member of the Church of the Nativity Parish, please email us and we will email you a form for the sponsor to initial and sign and email back to us. When each form is completed or obtained, please upload each Confirmation document to your Parish Giving account under Family Documents. After uploading, each document must be saved it order for it to be retained in the system. It is very important that you label each document file with your child’s name and document type before uploading each one.  Example  Jane Doe-Application, Jane Doe-Sponsor Reflection, etc.  


  Uploading Documents


Letter of Request

Personal Reflection

Choosing Your Confirmation Name

Service project report

Sponsor Reflection

          Confirmation Covenant

     Gifts of the Holy Spirit Explained


The 8th grade mass quizzes will be available on the church website home page beginning in September. These quizzes will be updated each week on Friday night. Before printing, please check the date to make sure that the quiz has been updated for the current weekend. There is also a link right under it that has the mass readings for the current weekend to help your child answer the quiz questions. Your child can print out the quiz, complete it, take it to Saturday or Sunday mass, and drop the completed quiz in the 8th grade mailbox at the end of mass.  The mailbox will be in the hallway near the side door. In order to get credit for the quiz, your child’s first and last name must be on the quiz, and at least 7 out of 10 questions must be correct. Confirmation candidates can begin submitting weekly quizzes in the mailbox beginning in September. 8th graders must submit at least 14 passing quizzes between September and March in order to be eligible to receive Confirmation.