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December 18: Knights of Columbus Open House

Knight of Columbus Council #3187 is hosting an Open House on Monday, December 18 from 7:30pm-10:00pm in celebration of their 75th Anniversary.

The Open House will be at the Columbus Club, 200 Fair Haven Road, Fair Haven. All are welcome. We just ask that you phone or text Joe Loftus (908) 419-7999 or John Hayes (551) 206-5706 if you plan to attend.

Light fare and beverages will be served. The 50-50 winner drawing will occur at 9:00pm. Winner need not be present.

December 21: Advent Parish Confessions

An Advent Reconciliation service will be offered in the Church on Thursday, December 21 from 7pm-8:30pm.

Reconciliation Resources

If you are interested in learning more about the Sacrament of Reconciliation, we recommend you watch one of more of the following videos offered by FORMED, a free content service available to our parishioners.

To access, click on any of the links below. You may be prompted to sign in or register to use FORMED.

  • Where Are You? examines our experience of guilt and how God seeks us out and calls us back to himself after we have sinned.
  • An Encounter with Mercy focuses on the incredible mercy that God offers us in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
  • The Rite Explained looks at the sacrament from the perspective of the priest and walks through each step of the rite as well as how to make an examination of conscience in preparation for Confession.
  • Biblical Foundations: Sin, Mercy, and the Sacrament of Confession explores God’s revelation of his merciful love in Scripture and how this pattern of our loving Father forgiving the sins of his children provides the foundation for the sacrament.
  • Answering Common Questions about Confession addresses some of the most frequently asked questions about the sacrament, including why we need to confess our sins to a priest, what actually happens during Confession, and how speaking about our sins and receiving reconciliation heals us.
  • For Children: How to Make a Good Confession is an engaging and encouraging walk through the sacrament. This bonus video shows children what they will see, hear, and do when making their First Confession. It covers the examination of conscience, what the confessional looks like, each step of the Rite of Penance, and what is penance.

September 10: Parish Picnic

Join us Sunday, September 10, 2023 from 12:30pm-3:00pm for a Nativity Parish Picnic!

Pony Rides *  Inflatable Slide * Crafts * Games * Live Music

Pulled Pork * Barbecued Ribs * Meatball Sandwiches * Mac ‘n’ Cheese * Salads * Desserts

The event is free. Guests are welcome! Kindly sign up below to give us a headcount for food.

Nativity Families Helping Families in Need
When you come to the picnic, please bring a bag of non-perishable items for our food pantry.

Sign up for the Parish Picnic!


Christmas Mass Schedule

4th Sunday of Advent
Saturday, December 23, 2023
4:30pm Mass
Sunday, December 24, 2023
7:30am Mass
9:30am Mass
11:30am Mass

Christmas Eve 
Sunday, December 24, 2023
4:00pm Mass (Church and Parish Hall)
6:00pm Mass
11:00pm Mass

Christmas Day 
Monday, December 25, 2023
7:30am Mass
9:30am Mass
11:30am Mass

Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God 
Monday, January 1, 2024
9:00am Mass

March 2: Nativity Progressive Dinner

March 2, 2024

The idea of the Progressive Dinner is to bring our community together in a fun and informal setting to foster relationships beyond our weekly sign of peace at Mass. The dinner will be organized so everyone coming has some kind of involvement.

Fr. Chris has promised a short homily that night so we can start at 5:45pm for appetizers and wine at local parishioners’ homes. Each of these homes will host about 40 people and guests will be asked to bring either an appetizer or a bottle of wine. Then at 7:00pm, the groups will split up and go to other parishioners’ homes where a different group of 8-10 people will enjoy a full catered meal together. After dinner at about 8:30pm, all participants are invited to a central location for dessert and music.

There is a $22 registration fee to cover the cost of dinner which will include salad, a chicken entree, pasta and vegetable. Where else can you have a Saturday night out for just $22?

We’d really like to make this an inclusive parish wide event. To make the evening a success, we need your help most importantly in registering for the event and secondly to offer participation in some small way. If you are willing to open up your home for dinner or appetizers that would be great, but we also need help with supplying appetizers, dessert and wine. We are also asking that when you sign-up, you tell us a little bit about yourself so that we can do our best to group people of similar ages and interests. The idea is to sit around a table with some parishioners you may have never met before but have some commonality.

Note: Registration is now closed for this event. If you’d like to inquire about limited availability, please contact Carolyn Rue at (732) 673-1998 or

Basic Needs Holiday Food Collection

November 1 – December 15

Suggested non-perishable items for donation are:

  Rice Beans (lentils, black, kidney, pinto) ∙ Boxed Potatoes ∙ Stuffing ∙ Pasta ∙ Pasta Sauce ∙

  Canned Soup Canned Vegetables  Canned Meats (tuna, chicken, salmon) ∙

  Peanut Butter ∙ Jelly ∙ Mac ‘n’ Cheese ∙ Boxed Cereals ∙

 Cake Mixes and Icing ∙ Canned Fruit ∙

Donations may be placed in the bins located at the entrances to the Church.

Turkeys or hams may also be donated. Please place in the Parish Hall freezer or refrigerator to keep fresh.

To make a financial donation, click here or put cash or check (payable to: Church of Nativity – Basic Needs) in an envelope labeled “Food Drive” in our regular collection baskets during Mass.

Volunteer hours are available for NHS or Confirmation candidates if they would like to host a local food drive in their area or volunteer for food basket assembly days (November 23, December 21). Please contact Amanda Stevens at if interested.

Questions? Please contact Amanda Stevens at or Kelly Kachinski at

Easter Flower Donations

Flowers for the 2024 Easter season are donated in loving honor/memory of:

Ben Appio
Jason Appio
Marie & John Arkenau
Peter Bak

Angela Baldinucci
Gabriel Baldinucci
Anthony R. Baxter
Sylvia & Mario Boccia
Bonk, Rumage & Wolf Families
Robert James & Marion Elizabeth Brown
Winifred Brown
Elizabeth & Michael Bruzzi
The Cantrella Family

Mr. & Mrs. J.J. Capelli
Carmela S. Caruso (DOD 3/8/2005)
Raymond E. Caruso, Jr.
Raymond E. Caruso, Sr.
Janet & John F. Cassen
Lillian Cassidy
Paul V. Cassidy
Robert Castello

Joan Clutter
John “Bud” Conklin

James & Dorothy Connor
Derek Crytser
Bill & Maura Davis
Norman Deacy
Mr. & Mrs. William DeLorenzo

Elvira Diaz
JoAnn DiForca
Ray & Wilma DiMartino
Eleanor Dolan
Deceased members of the Falotico & Filar families
Barbara Fehsefeld
John P. Felsmann
The Felsmann & Mulvihill Families
Mario Ferraro
Roger Fitzsimmons
Cathy Fodor
Connie & Doris Gallagher

Marianne & Victor Gennusa
Joann & Peter Gesell
Chester & Adrienne Goss
Marie V. Griffin
Robert Michael Griffiths
Robert L. Grover, Sr.
Jay & Anne Harbeck

Mr. & Mrs. E. F. Heintzelman
Leo J. Heintzelman
Bill & Thelma Heller

Mr. & Mrs. Laurence R. Henderson, our beloved parents who raised five amazing and loving children
Doug Hollywood

Margaret & Vincent Iossa
Bart Jones

Sr. Mary Josette
John Juliano
Eugene Kaskiw, Sr.
Beth Kennedy
Peter Kinsella
Tim Kirby, Jr. & Tim Kirby III
Allen B. Kurre
Joseph & Elizabeth Labriola
Daniel Lepore
Gerard & Rose S. Lettieri
Rose & Joseph Lippolis
Lunz Family
Mother Mary
John & Helen Mazurowski
McCarrick Family
Jean Ann McGrane
Mr. Ennio Menna
Helen & Walter Milos
Carmen & Angie Nettina
Christopher Nicholas
Robert Nicholas
Mary Anne O’Brien
Louis O’Neil
Michael B. O’Neil
Deceased members of the Perry & Horney families
Dolores & Joseph Preato

Mary & David Quigley
John Rainey
James Riley
Alice & James Robinson

Eleanor Roccaro
Robert Rorke

Estelle & Peter Russell
Douglas A. Sauer
Paul & JoAnne Schissler
Martin Screen, Sr.
Doyle and Mary Smith
Agnes & Gene Stoye

Diane Szupper
Ida Thomas
Charles Vidal

Frank & Louise Walsh
Joan Walsh
Souls of the Ward & Morea families

Rose & William Wescott
Grace Westendorf
Art Williams
Christopher Williams
Wilson & O’Brien families
Frank Winkler
All the souls in purgatory

If you would like to help us beautify the church in the name of a loved one,  click here to make a donation.




Children’s Liturgy of the Word Volunteers Wanted [SIGNUP]

Adult catechists and teen volunteers are wanted to help with the Children’s Liturgy of the Word program that takes place during the 9:30am Sunday Masses throughout the school year.

For the first half of the Mass, the Children’s Liturgy of the Word team joins children in the chapel to sing, draw or create a craft and listen to age-appropriate versions of the readings in a relaxed and engaging environment.

Click here to sign up.

Birthright Mother’s Day Collection

Collection boxes are at each entrance of the Church.

Much needed items are diapers sizes 1-6 and new clothing up to size 18 months.

Items will be collected until Mothers’ Day when they will be delivered to Birthright in Red Bank. Thank you for your generosity.

You are helping new mothers and their babies with your generous donations to this very worthy cause.