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Franciscan Earth Care Ministry


The Franciscan Earth Care Ministry encourages us to always be good stewards of God’s creations by caring for and protecting the environment, our home, and all living things to ensure that our children will inherit a safe and sustainable Earth.

Our ministry works to foster environmental awareness and sensitivity, promote sustainable practices, and inspire thoughtful action and community service efforts. It was inspired by the many works of St Francis, the patron saint of ecology and of animals, whose devotion to God was expressed through his love for all of God’s creation.

The Franciscan Earth Care Ministry meets the second Wednesday of each month at 8:30am in the Parish Library. Please join us. All are welcome!

2024 Calendar

  • Ministry Meetings 2nd Wednesday of each month 8:30am–9:30am
    3/13, 4/10, 5/8, 6/12, 7/10, 8/14, 9/11, 10/9, 11/13
    No meeting – December, January, and February
  • Wednesday, April 10: Working meeting – divide and plant perennials
  • Monday, April 22: Earth Day
  • Monday, June 17–Sunday, June 23: U.S. National Pollinator Week
  • Sunday, September 1: World Day of Prayer for the care of creation
  • Sunday, September 1–Friday, October 4: Season of care of creation
  • Friday, October 4: Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Ecology


Contact: Kathleen Hendrick, or 732-567-3247

Basic Needs

The mission of the Basic Needs Committee is to do as Jesus did; to reach out and serve our brothers and sisters in need. Through this committee, our parish community is asked to help provide for the needs of those in our region and globally who are less fortunate. Our outreach efforts are described below.

Contact: Amanda Stevens or Mary Beth Bull, 732-741-1714 x244

Year Round

Basic Needs Funding
Chairs: Sandra DelMonaco, Raquel Falotico, Bill Gesell
Basic Needs Committee volunteers support hundreds of families with food, housing, caregiver help and other relief

Eagles Up
Chairs: Sandra DelMonaco, Annie DiDomenico, Raquel Falotico, Bill Gesell, Kelly Kachinski
We support our troops by sending care packages to those deployed overseas. Parishioners are invited to support our troops by donating snacks, toiletries, comic books, etc., to the boxes located at the Church entrances. Financial assistance is also welcomed. We also network with other organizations in Central Jersey to gather items to send and obtain the majority of the financial support needed to cover the cost associated with sending packages. Volunteers gather the donations and pack them up for shipment about every two weeks.

Food Pantry
Chair: Jo Heath
Parishioners are invited to donate non-perishable food items, such as canned and dried goods and place them in the boxes at all entrances of the Church for distribution to local individuals and families in need.

Lunch Break
Chairs: Linda Gesell, Mary Haynes, Kathy Ramirez
On the Thursday before the third Friday of each month, parish volunteers gather in the parish hall kitchen at 8:30am to prepare a meal to be served at Lunch Break in Red Bank. On the third Friday of each month, parish volunteers serve the clients at Lunch Break at 5:30pm.

Meals for The Center in Asbury Park
Chair: Mary Beth Bull
Parishioners are invited to take single serve containers from the church office pantry, fill them with a nutritious meal, and return to the freezer in the church office pantry. A volunteer will transport them to The Center in Asbury Park.


School Supplies
Chair: Mary Beth Bull
In late summer, we collect school supplies for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Supplies may be placed in bins located in the church lobby.

Box of Joy
Chair: Annie DiDomenico
In October, we collect shoe boxes filled with toys for distribution over the holidays. We support children in 3rd world countries through Cross Catholic Outreach.

Advent Project
Chairs: Jo Heath, Tammy McKenna
Ornaments created by children of the parish are offered for sale during the 4 weeks of Advent. Donations received are distributed to a local charity.

Senior Citizen Christmas Gifts
Chair: Kathy Ramirez
During Advent, wrapped Christmas gifts for senior citizens are donated by parishioners and placed under the Christmas Tree located in the Church. Gifts are distributed to local nursing homes.

Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Food Baskets
Chairs: Amanda Stevens, Kelly Kachinski
During the weeks leading up to these holiday seasons, Basic Needs collects non-perishable items as well as frozen turkeys and hams to create holiday baskets which are distributed to local friends and families in need.

Fifth Sunday Collection/Poor Boxes/Candle Donations
The Basic Needs Committee’s primary source of funds to support our efforts to help individuals in need comes from the Basic Needs collection conducted on the fifth Sunday (approximately four times a year), the three poor boxes located inside of the Church, candle donations, and donations made directly to the Basic Needs Committee.

Click here to review Basic Needs 2024 Accomplishments

Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion accept the responsibility of assisting the presider in distributing communion at Mass. They may also volunteer to bring communion to the home bound of Nativity parish or a local assisted living center.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are scheduled to serve on a regular and rotating basis according to their availability and personal considerations.

Contact: Melissa Hickey, or 732-895-6632


Lectors fulfill an important liturgical role when they proclaim the Word of God to the community at Mass. They also participate in special liturgies throughout the year. Lectors are scheduled to serve on a regular and rotating basis according to their availability and other personal considerations.

What do you get for serving as a Lector?

  1. The opportunity to serve your parish
  2. The opportunity to participate in the Mass in a new way
  3. The opportunity to increase your spirituality
  4. Training
  5. Appreciation
  6. Credit for your high school volunteer hours

If you are interested in serving, please contact: Paul Sperber (908) 902-1209 or

Jeanne’s Blankets

The Jeanne’s Blankets Ministry was created in honor of Jeanne Silvestri, an amazing woman who lived a faith-filled life with kindness and love, who had a unique ability to make everyone she met feel special and cared for.

Jeanne’s Blanket Ministry makes personalized lap-sized fleece blankets for those adults and children who are sick or are going through an extremely difficult time.  These prayer blankets will be made, prayed over, and blessed for healing and blessings upon the recipients. We pray that this ministry will bring all those who receive these blankets comfort, peace and hope, so they will know they are not alone, that God is with them and that there are people who care for them and are praying for God’s Healing hand to bless them.

No skill is necessary, just a prayerful and willing heart!

Please reach out if you are interested in helping make blankets, if you would like to request a blanket, or if you would like to make a donation order to help offset the cost. You may also use this order form.

Contact: Barbara Grimmer,


RENEW is a small group of parishioners sharing their faith through Bible readings, books, videos, and discussions that educate, support and grow our faith.

There are three different groups that meet: two in the morning and one in the evening. The morning groups meet approximately 6 weeks in the spring and 6 weeks in the fall. Feel free to join in on one of the sessions. All are welcome.

Tuesday Morning Group
Wednesday Morning Group

Tuesday Morning Group contact: Kathleen Hassinger,
Wednesday Morning Group contact: Tammy McKenna,
Evening Group contact: Roger Trepanier,

Nifty Fifties

The Nifty Fifties is a social group whose members meet at 1pm the second Wednesday of each month in the Parish Hall.  Diverse programs are presented and refreshments are served.  New members are always welcome to meet and socialize with their fellow senior parishioners.  Three luncheons are held every year for Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day and in June.

Contact: Anne Gentile, 732-741-3419

Music Ministry

Children’s Choir
Join the Children’s Choir this spring! We are seeking parishioners ages 9-14 to help beautify our worship. Please contact Gabriella DiDomenico at with any questions.

Rehearsal Dates (10:30am-11:30am in the Chapel)
April 6
April 27

Mass Dates (9:30am-10:30am in the Church)
April 20 (Easter)
May 11 (Mother’s Day)

~ Rehearsal attendance is mandatory to sing at Mass ~

Contemporary Music Ensemble
The Contemporary Music Ensemble (CME) participates in 9:30am Mass every Sunday. We are actively seeking new voices and instruments to join our group. If you can carry a tune and enjoy singing with others, we really need you!

Currently, we have 10 active members and, on some Sundays, given travel and other demands, we may have only four members in the loft. Ideally, we will build the choir to 20 members, or more. The time commitment is limited to two rehearsals a month and being in the loft on Sunday mornings at 9am to do final preparations for the Mass.

So, we ask that you take a moment to consider joining the CME. If you hear someone near you singing with a beautiful voice during Mass, and you’re prompted to do so by the Holy Spirit, please encourage them to join us.

Contact: Gabriella DiDomenico,

Parish Choir

All adults and young adults are welcome to join the Nativity Parish Choir. No prior experience necessary.

We will sing once a month at either the Saturday 4:30pm or Sunday 11:30am Masses.

If interested, please contact Peter Isherwood at

Contemporary Music Ensemble

The Contemporary Music Ensemble (CME) participates in 9:30am Mass every Sunday. We are actively seeking new voices and instruments to join our group. If you can carry a tune and enjoy singing with others, we really need you! The interruption caused by the pandemic, folks moving from the area and demands of everyday life have led to a drop in our membership.

Currently, we have 10 active members and, on some Sundays, given travel and other demands, we may have only four members in the loft. Ideally, we will build the choir to 20 members, or more. The time commitment is limited to two rehearsals a month and being in the loft on Sunday mornings at 9am to do final preparations for the Mass.

So, we ask that you take a moment to consider joining the CME. If you hear someone near you singing with a beautiful voice during Mass, and you’re prompted to do so by the Holy Spirit, please encourage them to join us.

Contact: Gabriella DiDomenico,