Volunteer Information

Volunteer Information


Anyone who would like to become a  substitute catechist for the school year,   please contact the RE department at (732) 741-1714 extension 3 .




You will have to complete fingerprinting and a short online VIRTUS training program. 

There is also an optional Art of Catechesis program.



  • The Art of Catechesis will provide you with the basic, understanding of the role of the catechist, the sources and methods used in catechesis, and the tools and skills that can help you effectively engage your learners.  After completing this course you will be able to prepare for your sessions more effectively, with the confidence to lead, guide, teach and inspire. 

    This three-session course provides the support and encouragement, as well as the skills and tools a Catechist needs to pass on the faith.

    Art of Catechesis - Current Course Offerings
    Upcoming Art of Catechesis 6 hour virtual training  ( 3 Wednesday nights )  
    Virtual ( you must virtually attend all three sessions)

    Date: Wednesdays, May 21 st, 28 th  and June 4  th 2025
    Time: 6:30-8:30 PM
    Instructor: Michelle Angelo-Santoro, MA & Lisa Ann Limongello, MTS, PCL at St. Luke & Hopewell Valley

    Save the Dates! Registration coming soon.


     There is no charge for this training.


Please email your certificate of completion to the RE department after you complete the course.


You will receive $ 175 tuition discount for your child or grandchild if  you are a teacher.