Anointing of the Sick/Funeral Planning

Anointing of the Sick

Please notify Anne Wingertzahn or Allison Higgins, Parish Secretaries, of any elderly, homebound, or sick people who wish to receive Holy Communion and/or the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick.

If you are a hospital patient, please notify the chaplain’s office or have a family member call Anne or Allison at 732-741-1714 x210, indicating that you would like a pastoral visit.

On night or weekends, in case of an emergency requiring a priest, call 732-741-1714 and press the * key.

Funeral Planning

Funeral planning may involve pre-planning, months or even years in advance by an individual or family. It may also involve planning done in a short-term, during the immediate hours or days after a loved one has passed.

Should you experience a death in your family, begin by contacting your chosen funeral home. They will work with you in all aspects of reverently caring for your loved one. They can also reach out to the parish to review possible times for a Funeral Mass, a process we regularly coordinate with local funeral directors. If in doubt, you or your funeral director should contact the Church of the Nativity on our Emergency Phone Number: (732) 741-1714.

Planning for the Funeral Mass is done by family members, in conjunction with our parish Lazarus Team. This Funeral Mass Planning Packet may be downloaded and printed so that you may share ideas and review possible readings for Mass in advance of our meeting. Once the funeral director calls Nativity, a member of this team will reach out to you to schedule the Bereavement Meeting.

This Sample Funeral Program may be used should you wish to prepare a program.