Music Ministry

Children’s Choir
Join the Children’s Choir this spring! We are seeking parishioners ages 9-14 to help beautify our worship. Please contact Gabriella DiDomenico at with any questions.

Rehearsal Dates (10:30am-11:30am in the Chapel)
April 6
April 27

Mass Dates (9:30am-10:30am in the Church)
April 20 (Easter)
May 11 (Mother’s Day)

~ Rehearsal attendance is mandatory to sing at Mass ~

Contemporary Music Ensemble
The Contemporary Music Ensemble (CME) participates in 9:30am Mass every Sunday. We are actively seeking new voices and instruments to join our group. If you can carry a tune and enjoy singing with others, we really need you!

Currently, we have 10 active members and, on some Sundays, given travel and other demands, we may have only four members in the loft. Ideally, we will build the choir to 20 members, or more. The time commitment is limited to two rehearsals a month and being in the loft on Sunday mornings at 9am to do final preparations for the Mass.

So, we ask that you take a moment to consider joining the CME. If you hear someone near you singing with a beautiful voice during Mass, and you’re prompted to do so by the Holy Spirit, please encourage them to join us.

Contact: Gabriella DiDomenico,

Parish Choir

All adults and young adults are welcome to join the Nativity Parish Choir. No prior experience necessary.

We will sing once a month at either the Saturday 4:30pm or Sunday 11:30am Masses.

If interested, please contact Peter Isherwood at