The Men’s Bible Study (MBS) takes a biblical book and reads a chapter every week. The group decides which biblical book to read. The participants of the MBS arrive each week having read the designated chapter. Each participant brings a bible and their spiritual curiosity.
Communication occurs each week either via email or group chat to provide updates, reminding which book/chapter to read prior to each meeting. When the MBS convenes, it starts with an opening prayer. Conversations center around the following four questions:
- a. What stood out to you this week?
- b. Was there anything confusing or troubling?
- c. Did anything make you feel differently about God?
- d. How might this change the way you live?
Every MBS ends with a prayer focused on the men in the group. An opportunity is provided for those in the group to ask for specific prayers. MBS meets every Friday from 6:30am-7:15am in the Parish Library.
Contact: Tom Babcock, 732-533-8554, twbpublic@