March 4: Knights of Columbus Annual Dinner

Knights of  Columbus
Council 3187 – Red Bank, NJ

Saturday, March 4, 2023
Church of the Nativity
Fair Haven, NJ

2023 Honorees

Sue Hodgkiss
Community Service

William Donovan and John J. Flynn
Knights of the Year

Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Tickets: $50 per ticket; Tables of 8 for $360
Sponsorships: Gold $1,000      includes 2 tables and event signage
Silver $500      includes 1 table  and event signage
Bronze $125      includes 2 tickets and event signage
  • Social hour (hors-d’oeuvres and drinks)
  • Catered Buffet Dinner & Dessert
  • Beer, wine and soft drinks included

All event proceeds fund the Venerable Father Michael. J. McGivney Grant Program that provides funds to parish families with high school students and local charities.

Call/Text/Email John Hendrick (732-614-1019 or to reserve your table or purchase tickets by check, credit card or cash!

Tickets and tables can also be purchased via your PayPal account –
just scan this QR Code!