2022 Holiday Commemorations

This year’s Christmas Decoration and Flower Offerings were given in loving honor/memory of:
Ben and Jason Appio
Peg and Dan Barker
The Barnes and Kelly Families
Sharon Bilanin
John and Margaret Bonaccorsi
Mark Bonomi
Ronnie Broderick
Elizabeth and Michael Bruzzi
The Bufano and DeAmbra Families
James Butler, Jr.
Rachel and Anthony Carelli
Deceased members of the Compton Family
Jim and Dot Connor
Josephine Coppola
Paul A. DeMarco
Helga Eisenhardt
John P. Felsmann
Deceased members of the Galloway Family
William and Anne Gormley
Jay and Anne Harbeck
Laurence Robert Henderson
Margaret and Vincent Iossa
Ali Khorasantchi
Timothy Kirby, Jr. and Timothy Kirby III
Elizabeth and Joseph Labriola
Rose Lettieri
Rose and Joseph Lippolis
Jack Lucey
The Lunz Family
Jack and Erma Manutti
The McCarrick Family
Robert Melita
Jerry and Peg Mindnich
Deceased members of the Molitor Family
Deceased members of the Morea Family
Grandparents of Margaret and Ralph Mucerino
Angeles Nevares
Christopher and Robert Nicholas
Francis X. O’Brien
Deceased members of the O’Connor Family
Daniel O’Neill
Jack Parsons
Deceased members of the Perry and Horney Families
Mary and David Quigley
John and Kenny Rigby
James and Alice Robinson
Martin Screen, Sr.
The Smertich Family
Doyle and Mary Smith
Walter Stade
Deanie Steckroth – “My beloved Mom who loved Nativity”
Agnes and Gene Stoye
Deceased members of the Swenson and Power Families
Ida Thomas
Charles Vidal
Sally Vogt
Deceased members of the Ward Family
Rose S. and William A. Wescott
Edward and Isabelle Wilson
Anne and Chester Wotycha
Dr. Edward Wotycha
Dianna Wright
Paul Yaron
Robert Young