Congratulations to the following young men and women who received the Gifts of the Holy Spirit from Rev. Msgr. Joseph N. Rosie on Friday, March 10, 2022. May the power of the Holy Spirit guide them as they become strong Disciples of Christ.
Isabella Banchi | Aviana Gambino | John Paik |
Lucy Batcha | Kieran Gilmartin | Dillon Patton |
Kate Baxter | Elizabeth Grant | Ella Peoples |
Henry Bertodatti | Benjamin Gredell | Michael Pisani |
Brendon Biedinger | William Grier | Cecelia Puglise |
John Binder | Claire Griffin | Clementine Radocchio |
Christian Blankley | Mason Griffin | Arthur Reiss |
Edward (Trace) Bonner | Frank Gripp, IV | Brody Riva |
Claudia Braceland | Colin Henrikson | Alexandra Rogers |
Finn Buckley | Noah Hershey | Sophia Romano |
Claudia Bufano | Cole Hogan | Michael P. Rongetti |
Juliet Butters | Charlie Ingrassia | Mackenzie Ryan |
Jack Ciatto | Brooke Jaenicke | Mary Kate Ryan |
Hayden Colleran | Mateo Jurgens | Cristian Santos |
Daly Connolly | Ryan Kelly | Jenna Scalzo |
Mary Grace Cosgrove | Graham Kenny | George Senft |
Jack Crossan | Henry Kreitz | Massimo Sheinin |
Chloe Cuje | Peyton Kreitz | Jake Silva |
Claire Cullinane | Aidan Lane | Kathleen Simpson |
Hunter Curley | Mia Rose LeLand | Brandon Singh |
Christian Dane | Vanessa Levine | Rosie Spiropoulos |
Allison DeFazio | Casey Lillis | Cole Spoonire |
Aidan Dill | Reese Lydon | Blake Stoner |
Brady Dill | Maximo Mann | Abiageal Sturm |
Grace Dinger | Molly Martin | Danny Sullivan |
Cate Donnelly | Timothy McCooey | Jane Sullivan |
Eamon Drucker | Lily McNeace | Phoebe Swiss |
James DuBois | Aly Megaw | Nicholas Tizio |
Charles Ern | Mia Missig | Lauren Vaclavik |
Lily Fieramosca | Casey Moore | Justin Valentino |
Grace Flaherty | Mateo Nakhleh | Robert Verderese |
Graham Flanagan | Jack Nichols | Rowan Vota |
Regan Fleming | Robert Nicolosi | Charles Weiss |
John Forsyth | Mia O’Hagen | Kellen Winters |
Logan Onni |