Welcome to the Church of the Nativity

Please join us for Mass! If you cannot come to church for whatever reason, we invite you to view our livestream services.

Click here to view the latest recorded livestream.

USCCB Daily Readings Thoughts from the Pastor
Lenten Regulations
Parish News & Events
Join us for Mahjong in the Parish Hall. Click here for dates and to sign up.
Lenten Adoration
Join us in the Chapel each Wednesday thru April 16 from 4pm-5:30pm as we spend time with our Lord. Feel free to stop by for a prayer or stay for the entire time.
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross will be prayed every Friday during Lent at 7pm in the Church. During this half hour service, a priest or other leader recalls and meditates on a specific event from Christ’s last day at each of the 14 stations while parishioners stay in pews and recite prayers.
Lenten Fish Fry
On Friday, April 4, Nativity and the Knights of Columbus will be hosting our annual Lenten Fish Meal at 6pm in the Parish Hall. The menu will include broiled or fried fish, French fries, coleslaw, pizza and water. In lieu of the price of admission, there will be a free will offering during the event. Reservations are required! Please email welcome@nativitychurchnj.org or call 732-741-1714 x210 by Thursday, March 28 at noon to make a reservation. Reservations cannot be accepted after this time, as the fish order will already have been placed. Please also join us for Stations of the Cross at 5:30pm (Children’s Stations) or 7pm (Parishioners).
Lenten Night of Reflection: Admitting the Things I Need to Change
On Monday, April 7, we will be having a Lenten Night of Reflection at 7pm in the Church. Fr. Matt Tralies will be leading the reflection, “Admitting the Things I Need to Change.” A priest of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and pastor at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Springfield, PA, Fr. Matt has been a friend of Fr. Chris since their seminary days. Fr. Chris describes him as “very down to earth and relatable.” 🙂 It will be a good opportunity for us to take some time and reflect during this season of Lent.
Evening Confessions During Lent
In additional to our normal Saturday confession time of 3:30pm-4:15pm, we will be adding an extra opportunity for confessions this Lent on Tuesday, April 8 from 7pm-8:30pm in the Church.
Adult Faith Formation: The Life of Christ
Come to the Wednesday Morning Renew Group at 9am in the Parish Library to study the life of Christ. Remaining dates: April 9, 16, and 23. Filmed on location in the Holy Land, JESUS: THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE is a new and fresh look at Jesus—who He is, what He is really like, what He taught, and what He did for our salvation. This encounter with Christ will inspire and empower you to center your entire life around Him as you come to know and love him in an ever deeper and more intimate way. Feel free to join us! Contact: Tammy.nwg@gmail.com.
Vacation Bible School
Registration is now open for Nativity’s Vacation Bible School which takes place Monday, July 7 – Friday, July 11. Click here to register!
Parish Volunteer Opportunities
Other Ways to Give
Related News & Events
Hope in Our Hearts: Faith Formation & Parish Ministry Conference
If you serve on or would like to join a parish ministry, this is for you!
Sunday, March 29, 8am-3pm
St. John Vianney High School
504-A Line Road
Holmdel, NJ
Click here to register
Religious Education
Registration is now open for Nativity’s Vacation Bible School which takes place Monday, July 7 – Friday, July 11                                    Click here to register!


Summer Session registration is now open in    https://www.parishgiving.org/index


Children’s Liturgy of the Word  teen volunteer sign up  Sundays 9 :30 am mass


Click for Religious Education Office Hours this week


Congratulations to our students who received the sacrament of Confirmation on March 6, 2025!


 Penance make -up date for 2 nd graders is Tuesday, April 8 th at 7 pm in the church.


FORMED VIDEO – Brother Francis- Forgiven!  The Blessings of Confession ( 26 minutes )

Communion Saturday, May 3, 2025

10 am and 12 pm Communion ceremonies are full

If you did not sign up for a time, your child has been placed in the 2 pm Communion ceremony.


Weekend of  March  23 rd    Mass Readings 

Weekend of March  23 rd     Mass Quiz 

Weekend of March   23 rd    2nd grade Worksheet

Weekend of March 23 rd   Coloring Pages

Lent Angel  Coloring Page

40 Days of Lent  Coloring Countdown to Easter


FORMED Video LUKAS Storyteller Cartoon – Saint Joseph ( 11 minutes )


Sign up for FORMED videos- It’s free for Nativity Families!  (one time sign up here before clicking on the video links )


FORMED VIDEO Storytime with Brother Francis- Let’s Learn About Lent ( 10 minutes ) 

FORMED VIDEO  Brother Francis  – Lenten Reflection Video ( 1 minute )

FORMED VIDEO Brother Francis – Lenten Meditations Main Page

FORMED VIDEO Brother Francis – Lenten Meditation Day  17  (  3  minutes )


FORMED VIDEOS   Jesus Stories

FORMED VIDEO –  Who is Mary ? ( 8 minutes )

Formed  VIDEO- Basic Prayers Medley- Sign of the Cross, Our Father, Hail Mary

FORMED VIDEO –  Marcam -Learn about the colors of the Church  ( 8 minutes )

Holy Trinity Coloring Page

Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer Coloring Sheet

Angel at Mass Coloring Page 


Important Religious Education Forms